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3 Reasons Why VCs Might Say No to Your Startup (And How to Turn Them Around)

3 Reasons Why VCs Might Say No to Your Startup (And How to Turn Them Around)

3 Reasons Why VCs Might Say No to Your Startup (And How to Turn Them Around)
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Venture capital funding is a critical component of many startups' success. VCs provide startups with the capital they need to grow and scale, and startups that secure VC funding are more likely to achieve success. Getting financial backing from VCs is a rite of passage for many startups, and it can be the difference between success and failure."

And when it comes to catching their attention, learning why they say ‘no’ is as important as why they say ‘yes’.

In this article, we’ll explore the 3 most common reasons why VCs might say no to your startup, and how to overcome them with better product-market fit, founder-market fit, and pitch deck. We’ll also share some tips on how to handle rejection gracefully and keep the door open for future opportunities.

Let’s get started!

3 Reasons Why VCs Might Say No to Your Startup

1. They don’t like your business

Sometimes, VCs just don’t dig your business. That’s it. It could be that they think your market is crowded, and all the competition will drive up your customer acquisition costs. It could be that they don’t think your solution is differentiated enough. Or it could be that they simply don’t think you’ll win.

The thing is, VCs can be a bit like high schoolers avoiding breakups. Instead of a firm “sorry, not interested”, they might just ghost you. Why? Because burning bridges is bad form. They want to stay on your good side in case you become successful

Not all VCs are like this. Some prefer their interactions to be transparent and honest. But sometimes there’s a price. They might miss out on some great opportunities because they said no too early or too harshly.

Remember, VCs are humans. They make mistakes all the time. So just because they said no to you doesn’t mean your business is bad. Sometimes the VC doesn’t fully grasp your industry or strategy.

2. Your business is not scalable

VCs look for businesses that can scale to a massive audience and generate huge returns on their investment. If the market is too small or the business is not scalable, it likely won’t be VC backable.

Let’s imagine you sell trombone oil. Now stay with me. It’s incredibly important for trombone players to have trombone oil. It’s a necessary product with great product-market fit. But how many trombonists are there in the world? Not many. The market isn’t big enough to support a billion-dollar company that only sells trombone oil.

If you pitch this to VC Bob, he might give you a noncommittal “Let’s see how you’re doing in a few months.” Now over the next few months, you’ve discovered that your trombone oil formula could replace all industrial lubrication in manufacturing. That’s a multi-billion dollar industry. Now your business has a higher chance to give VCs the 100x return that they’re looking for.

The key is to show that you have a big addressable market and that you have a clear plan to capture it. You need to demonstrate that your business has strong growth potential and that you have the right team and strategy to execute it.

3. Your pitch deck is weak

Your pitch deck is your first impression on VCs. It’s your opportunity to tell your story, showcase your product, and convince them that you’re worth investing in. If your pitch deck is weak, it can ruin your chances of getting funded.

Some common mistakes that founders make with their pitch decks are:

  • Having typos and grammatical errors
  • Having too many slides or too much text
  • Having unclear or unrealistic metrics and projections
  • Having a boring or generic design
  • Having no clear value proposition or differentiation

Your pitch deck should be easy to understand, brief, and persuasive. It should highlight your problem, solution, market, traction, team, and ask. It should also show your personality and passion. And most importantly, it should be realistic and honest.

How to Turn VCs’ Nos into Yes

Now that you know the 3 most common reasons why VCs might say no to your startup, how can you turn them around and get them to say yes?

Here are some tips to help you improve your chances of getting funded:

Do your homework. Research the VC’s portfolio, thesis, and preferences. Find out what kind of businesses they like to invest in, what stage they invest in, and what criteria they use to evaluate startups. Tailor your pitch to their interests and expectations.

Validate your product-market fit and founder-market fit. Show that you have a deep understanding of your target market, customer needs, and competitive landscape. Show that you have a unique value proposition and a strong competitive advantage. Show that you and your team have the relevant skills, experience, and passion to build and grow your business.

Polish your pitch deck. Make sure your pitch deck is error-free, well-structured, and visually appealing. Use clear and simple language, bullet points, charts, and images to convey your message. Focus on the key points that VCs care about: problem, solution, market, traction, team, and ask. Be prepared to answer any questions or objections that might arise.

Handle rejection gracefully. Rejection is inevitable in the fundraising process. Don’t take it personally or get discouraged. Instead, use it as an opportunity to learn and improve. Ask for feedback from the VC and thank them for their time and consideration. Keep them updated on your progress and achievements. Stay positive and persistent.

Wrapping Up

Getting funded by VCs is not easy. It takes a lot of preparation, persistence, and patience. But it’s not impossible either. By understanding the common reasons why VCs might say no to your startup, and how to overcome them with better product-market fit, founder-market fit, and pitch deck, you can increase your chances of getting a yes.

We hope this article has given you some insights and tips on how to pitch to VCs more effectively. If you need more help with your fundraising journey, check out these resources:

The Ultimate Pitch Deck Template

How to prepare and craft elevator pitch deck


Q: What is product-market fit?

A: Product-market fit is the degree to which a product satisfies a strong market demand.

Q: What is founder-market fit?

A: Founder-market fit is the degree to which a founder has the relevant domain expertise, network, and passion for the market they are pursuing.

Q: What is a pitch deck?

A: A pitch deck is a presentation that summarizes your startup’s business plan, product, market, traction, team, and ask to potential investors.

Q: How long should a pitch deck be?

A: A pitch deck should be between 10 to 20 slides long.

Q: How much should I ask for in my pitch deck?

A: The amount you ask for in your pitch deck depends on several factors, such as your stage, valuation, runway, milestones, and market size. A general rule of thumb is to ask for enough money to last you 12 to 18 months.

Akash Bagrecha

Co-Founder of Jordensky