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Guide for Accounting for Legal Firms in India

Discover the unique accounting needs of legal firms in India and how Jordensky's professional services ensure compliance & accuracy

Guide for Accounting for Legal Firms in India
Table of Contents
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Accounting is a fundamental function of running any company, and legal firms in India are no exception. Proper accounting processes will ensure legal compliance, financial health, and assit in strategic decision-making process. However, the unique requirements and challenges of accounting for law companies demand specialized knowledge and expertise. In this blog post we will discusses the unique accounting requirements of law firms in India, the advantages of professional accounting services, and how Jordensky can help law firms navigate these complications.

Specific Accounting Needs of Legal Firms

There are various different accounting rules apply to legal firms which are very peculiar and among them are:

1. Client Trust Accounts

Accountants need to handle client trust very diligently to prevent money from merging up. Funds belonging to each & every client should be managed independently to ensure clarity and accountability.

2. Regulation Compliance

Firms are required to abide by the rules set forth by the Bar Council of India as well as other legal requirements from Direct Taxes, Indirect Taxes, Companies Act and ROC Compliances. This includes timely reporting, frequent audits, and frequently book-keeping.

3. Billing and Invoicing

Legal firms should have strict policy of billing on timely basis to their clients to ensure there is no working capital issue in future. Also, legal firms must effectively manage billable hours and case-related expenses.

4. Expense Management

It is important that all the expenses either reimbursable or non-reimbursable from client are recorded in the books. Correct expenses management will ensure accurate cashflow forecasting.

Accounting need for legal firms in India
Accounting needs for legal firms in India

Common Terms and Terminologies

  1. Accrual accounting: Regardless of when money is received or paid, revenues and costs are recorded as they are earned or spent.
  2. Client Trust Account: A separate account where client funds are held in trust so that they do not become mixed up with funds utilized for business operations.
  3. Billable Hours: The amount of time that attorneys can bill to their clients.
  4. Retainer: A customer makes an upfront payment to a law firm for future services.
  5. Reimbursement: Costs incurred on a client's behalf and repaid by the client.
  6. Compliance Review: A thorough examination of how well an organization follows legal requirements.

Benefits of Professional Accounting Services

There are number of reason why Legal firms should hire professional accounting firm like Jordensky

1. Regulatory Compliance

Experienced Accounting firm will understand various legal and statutory compliances that firm need to file. So to avoid these fines and legal problems, qualified firm will make sure the company complies with all applicable laws.

2. Financial Reporting

Accurate financial reporting will help partners of legal firm to make better decision and assist in strategic planning

3. Time-saving

Outsourcing accounting and tax function will help your legal experts to concentrate on their core responsibilities, ultimately leading to increased productivity all around.

4. Transparency and Accountability

Outsourcing accounting firm will guaranteeing that all transactions are precisely recorded, and readily auditable, ultimately will improve financial transparency.

Common Accounting Challenges for Legal Firm

Legal firms often face several accounting challenges:

  • Client Trust Account Management: Keeping track of multiple trust accounts and making sure client capital is not mixed together can be challenging task for lot of accountants.
  • Tracking Billable Hours: To keep a track of billable hours accurately and to make sure they are properly billed to the client on regular basis. If not done accurately this will lead to loss of revenue.
  • Compliance with India Laws: Indian tax and compliance laws are complicated and it takes ongoing effort to stay informed on the many modifications to tax laws and other regulations.

How Jordensky Can Help

Jordensky is an expert at offering customized accounting services to Indian law companies. Among our offerings are:

  • Compliance Monitoring: To make sure your company stays compliant, our tax expert keeps up to the most recent modifications to tax laws and regulations via regular traninig programs and knowledge sessions.
  • Billing and Invoicing Solutions: We provide tailored solutions for controlling case-related costs, tracking billable hours, and accurately billing and invoicing.
  • Financial Reporting: We can assist you in assessing the accurate financial position of your company and assit in making right decisions for growth of your legal firm.
  • Ongoing Consultancy and Support: Our expert team will assist you in reaching your company objectives, by providing right financial planning and strategy consulting services.

PS, If anything finance-related is top of mind, don’t hesitate to book time with me (not a salesperson) to chat through. This office hours time is yours to use how you like—typical topics include cash management strategies, tax planning, and budgeting for your legal firm (Schedule Meeting)

Tips for Accurate Financial Records

Legal firms should use the following tips to maintain accurate financial records:

  • Use Robust Accounting Software: Financial management can be streamlined by implementing specialist accounting software designed for legal practices. Zoho Books will be good alternative for lot of professional and legal firms.
  • Frequent Reconciliation: In order to guarantee accuracy, reconcile bank statements and client trust accounts on a regular basis.
  • Extensive Documentation: Keep thorough records of every transaction, making sure that case-related costs are kept in separate accounts.
  • Keep Up to Date: To prevent compliance problems, stay informed about deadlines and legal and tax duties.

How to Create a Budget for Law Firm?

There are numerous ways to make a budget for legal management. When choosing which budgeting technique to use, keep the following general guidelines in mind.

  • Assess historical financial data and trends
  • Establish financial objectives and goals
  • Allocate resources and estimate expenses
  • Observe and modify the budget as necessary
  • Involve key stakeholders in the budgeting process
How to Create a Budget for Law Firm?
How to Create a Budget for Law Firm

FAQ for Law Firm Accounting in India

1. Why is managing client trust account is important for law firms?

Maintaining client trust accounts is important to preventing client money from being mixed up with the company's operating funds. Also, this is necessary to comply with legal requirements and upholds transparency.

2. How can legal firms be tax compliant with the help of expert accounting services?

Expert accounting services firm like Jordensky provides guarantee proper record-keeping, conduct frequent audits, and keep up with the most recent modifications to tax rules and regulations, all of which assist law businesses in remaining compliant.

3. What advantages do law firms get from utilizing specialized accounting software?

Legal firms can monitor billable hours, control expenses, maintain compliance with financial and legal requirements, and expedite financial administration with the use of specialized accounting software.


Accounting for law companies in India presents particular difficulties and calls for specialist knowledge. Legal Firms in India can be compliant from day 1, uphold their financial stability, and should concentrate on their primary operations by utilizing expert audit and accounts services in Mumbai, such as those provided by Jordensky.

Precise financial administration not only helps accountability and openness but also facilitates strategic decision-making, ultimately bolstering the company's prosperity.

Akash Bagrecha

Co-Founder of Jordensky