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Why Company should Outsourcing Accounting

Unlock the benefits of outsourcing accounting with Jordensky. Save costs, access expertise, and streamline operations.

Why Company should Outsourcing Accounting
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You can increase your revenue and streamline business operations by outsourcing your accounting function. Even so, some companies are reluctant to handover control of such a significant part of their financial operations. Actually, there are several advantages of outsourcing accounting function, including lower costs and better financial reporting. In this blog post we will look at top five advantages of outsourcing accounting for startups and MSME in this blog post. We will offer analysis and concrete examples to show you how outsourcing your accounting department can benefit your startup or growing business. 

What is an Outsourced Accounting

Outsourced accounting occurs when a startups or growing business hires a third party (an external entity, similar to Jordensky) to manage its accounting, taxes, CFO, payroll, and other financial operations. This arrangement permits an outside firm, typically a professional bookkeeping firm, to manage all of the company's financial activities. Accounting, bookkeeping, payroll, financial reporting, virtual CFO services, management accounting, taxation, accounts payable and receivable, debtor follow-up, and other account-related services are among the activities performed by professional firm.

When is right time to hiring an external Accounting Firm

The question of when to hire an outsourced accountanting firm often comes up in the mind of founder. The answer is based on your company's growth trajectory. Startups may believe they can manage their accounting and taxes function on their own, but problems frequently surface sooner than anticipated. As your company grows, transactions increase, tax requirements change, and financial reporting becomes more complex. This is the optimal time to hire an outsourced accountanting firm. An expert financial firm may implement efficient financial systems that grow with your company, assuring compliance and efficiency. Hiring an experienced financial agency at the correct time allows you to focus on growth while leaving financial intricacies to the experts.

For whom is Outsourced Accounting applicable?

Companies of all sizes, right from startups, MSME's and bigger organisation, can benefit from outsourced accounting and finance functions. Outsourcing particular accounting operations improves productivity, lowers operating costs, and eliminates financial reporting and compliance concerns. Furthermore, it guarantees that company finances are updated with the latest accounting standards and technology without requiring significant investments in training or software. Companies that use outsourced accounting can focus on their core business while benefiting from experienced financial team.

Various types of Businesses that can benefit from Outsourced Accounting Services


Startups often have limited resources and need to focus on growth. Outsourced accounting helps them manage their finances, track cash flow, and stay compliant with tax laws, allowing founders to concentrate on scaling the business.

MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises)

MSMEs can save money and improve efficiency by outsourcing their accounting function. They gain access to professional financial management without the cost of hiring full-time staff, benefiting from accurate bookkeeping, timely financial reports, and strategic advice.

Professional Agencies

Marketing, design, and consulting agencies work on projects that require detailed financial tracking. Outsourced accounting helps these agencies manage their finances, track project costs, and ensure accurate billing, allowing them to focus on delivering quality services to their clients.

Legal Firms

Legal firms need precise financial records to comply with industry regulations and manage client funds. Outsourced accounting offers expertise in handling these specific needs, ensuring accurate record-keeping, timely tax filings, and proper management of client accounts.

E-Commerce Companies

E-commerce and retail businesses handle many transactions and need detailed financial reporting. Outsourced accounting helps manage finances, from tracking inventory and sales to ensuring tax compliance. This support allows commerce companies to focus on growing their market and enhancing customer satisfaction.

By outsourcing accounting services, these businesses can streamline their financial operations, save costs, and focus on their core activities, leading to better growth and success.

Not-For-Profits & Charities

Beyond managing donations and tax-deductible receipts, these organizations must handle program funding, grants, and meet reporting requirements from multiple regulatory bodies. A specialised accounting firm with understanding of not-for-profit accounting can brings extensive experience to assist in these crucial areas.

Top 5 Benefits of Outsourced Accounting for Startups and Business

You can definitely increase revenue and streamline business operations by outsourcing your accounting department. There are several advantages to outsourcing, including lower costs and better financial reporting. Here are top five advantages of outsourcing accounting.

Cost Savings

The cost of hiring and training internal accounting teams, buying and maintaining accounting hardware and software, and covering employee benefits can all be avoided by outsourcing accounting. These costs can mount up quickly, particularly if your company is small and has little funding.

Additionally, outsourcing enables you to only pay for the services you require at the appropriate time. As a result, you wind up saving a significant amount of money that you can utilize to fund other business verticals like hiring sales team or developing product. 

Access to Expertise

Without a group of not so professionals handling your accounting, you wind up making a lot of mistakes that can cause penalties, additional interest liabilities , and even the closure of your company. Working with an outsourced accounting provider, however, gives you access to a group of extremely knowledgeable and experienced individuals.

These professionals can offer you insightful advice and direction on financial issues, facilitating the process of making wise financial decisions for your company.


Without worrying about accounting staff you can easily scale your business's when you outsource them. The hiring process, which can be costly and time-consuming, will no longer need to be repeated. Additionally, you will not have to let go of some of your staff, which is a bad experience (particularly if those employees have gone above and beyond to help your business grow). Hence, outsourcing accounting enables you to stay lean and flexible according to the business conditions. 

Saves Time

Your internal team will have more time to concentrate on your primary business operations when you outsource your accounting and finance functions. Management team can be saved and can be utilized better in managing the business operations rather than focusing on chasing vendors for invoices.

Improved Financial Reporting

Your financial reporting will be better if you outsource your finances to professional firm. This is due to the fact that external accounting teams frequently offer more advanced reporting and analytical capabilities that are unavailable to your internal team. You may obtain real-time data and insights through outsourcing, which can improve the way you run your company.

Additionally, hiring an expert accountant team to handle your accounting will lower your risk of fraud and mistakes. Strict controls and procedures are typically in place at professional accounting firms to guarantee accurate financial reporting and regulatory compliance.

Top 5 benefits of Outsourcing Accounting and Finances
5 Benefits of Outsourced Accounting


These are various advantages of outsourcing your finance and accounting, so bear them in mind when you make this decision. We at Jordensky are team of experienced Chartered Accountant, Tax Advisors and CFO's to help you with outsourced accounting. We have experience of handling more than 200 assignments and are working with top funded and MSME companies in India. You can contact us today to know more about our automated accounting and take your business to next level.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Top Outsource accounting firm in India

A: Jordensky is top outsourced accounting firm in India. We have experience of handling more than 200 assignments and are working with top funded and MSME companies in India.

Q: What challenges or advantages do you see outsourcing the accounting functions for select businesses?

A: Challenges include data security risks, but advantages encompass expertise access and scalability, ultimately driving efficiency.

Q: What are the benefits of outsourcing accounting for Startups?

A: It helps startups, MSME's and growing business to focus on core tasks, saves costs, and offers resource flexibility, leading to increased productivity.

Q: What are the benefits of outsourcing accounting and Tax MSME's and large business?

A: Outsourcing accounting and taxes enhances efficiency, leverages advanced tech, and provides strategic financial insights, enabling better decision-making.

Q: How can businesses  manage outsourced accounting services?

A: By establishing clear communication channels, setting performance metrics, and regularly reviewing service providers.

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Akash Bagrecha

Co-Founder of Jordensky